Abban Dunne UX Engineer & Indie Game Developer

TIL Week 8 2022

• 1 minute

A roundup of the things I learned in the 8th week of 2022.


  • LAST_INSERT_ID() in MySQL is transactional and will return the last ID per connection.
  • Using php PDO you need to use beginTransaction() in order to make your query transactional and ensure you get the last ID back correctly.
  • Php 8.1 enums can have methods!.
  • ID Pre-Generation can be handled by your database if you use Maria DB.


  • 2 months away is all it takes to get out of the habit of doing code reviews in the mornings.
  • Pair programming is a good way to ease back into the habit of architecture design & coding after a break.
  • Hugo is quite nice and easy to use.
  • Sat in on 2 pair programming technical interviews to learn how they’re conducted.

Personal Notes

  • It’s really hard to juggle a small kid and work during lockdown times.