TIL Week 14 2022
A roundup of the things I learned in the 14th week of 2022.
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A roundup of the things I learned in the 14th week of 2022.
A roundup of the things I learned in the 13th week of 2022.
A roundup of the things I learned in the 12th week of 2022.
Personal notes from an accessibility workshop I attended.
A roundup of the things I learned in the 11th week of 2022.
Really enjoyed this comic, the art and supernatual themes were right up my alley. As a parent trying to juggle a small person and work some of it really struck home. I just think it was let down a little by the rushed storytelling.
3/5 Hot Dogs 🌭🌭🌭
A roundup of the things I learned in the 10th week of 2022.
A roundup of the things I learned in the 9th week of 2022.
A roundup of the things I learned in the 8th week of 2022.
TV show follow up to 2021’s Suicide Squad movie. I loved it, This show knows that there’s never a wrong time to rock. John Cena is surprisingly great in a comedy role, much better than when he’s cast straight.
5/5 Hot Dogs 🌭🌭🌭🌭🌭