Abban Dunne UX Engineer & Indie Game Developer


Hello, World

• 1 minute

When I did my 2021 end of year review in work recently, I realised that by being completely lazy towards documenting the things I’ve been doing I was hurting myself. I didn’t have any grasp on the things I accomplished, learned, or how I grew. I had nothing to point me towards any future goals.

So I made myself a New Year’s Resolution that I would start keeping a journal and that’s what this is. My plan is to write about myself and the things I did, with monthly summaries so that at the end of 2022 I can look back at this to help me plan for the following year. I am terrible at keeping things like this so let’s see how that goes.

As this is a new blog it’s obligatory to write something about how you made it. It’s got an API running off a cheap Ghost CMS droplet on Digital Ocean and a Vue CLI single page app frontend hosted on a free Netlify account. I guess that’s called a JAM Stack or something.

Update I got sick of duplicating my local markdown writing in Ghost CMS so I converted the site to Hugo.